Next Step: Developing a Vermont Conservation Strategy for Pollinators

To effectively respond to heightened conservation concerns for wild bees and other pollinators, we will spearhead the development and implementation of a statewide plan for the conservation of Vermont’s pollinators with a coalition of partners, including scientists, natural resource managers, decision makers, conservation planners, funders, and others. The plan will be a broad-based, scientifically-sound approach that incorporates needed research, population monitoring, management actions, and education and outreach. The plan of action will provide a framework to guide initiatives across Vermont. By working together with a diverse group of stakeholders, we will help shape a landscape where wild bees and other pollinators can flourish and continue to provide vital ecosystem services now and for future generations.

Broad, long term goals of the strategy will include:

  • Make Vermont's landscapes more pollinator friendly by working with farmers, public land managers, home owners, and others to help implement important management actions.
  • Help beekeepers achieve healthy, sustainable populations, and ensure honey bees are part of a cohesive pollinator message that balances managed and wild pollinator populations.
  • Build capacity for both the field and taxonomic work necessary to monitor wild bee populations.
  • Increase outreach and education efforts to inspire more Vermonters to care for native bees, as well as the broader environment
  • Address important knowledge gaps through research and conduct population monitoring of certain species and locations to help track our progress.

Under the broader goals, examples of specific action items to be implemented would include:

  • Establish long-term monitoring routes for bumble bees across Vermont
  • Assess the current frequency and associated threats of mail-order mason bees and other managed species
  • Survey for species of regional conservation concern that have not yet been recorded in the state
  • Improve the quality and accessibility of occurrence and monitoring data collected within the state
  • Explore options for conservation actions targeted at maintaining working sandpits that can also support rare bees and other species reliant on these habitats

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